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Monday, July 30, 2007

A sobriety test

Jessie takes a sobriety test with an officer from the Florida State Patrol.

5K Run

OK, I, personally would not get up to run a 5K race at 6 am on a Sunday morning, but over 1,000 of the kids at the Gathering did! I think that's a pretty impressive number! Here is a photo of the kids from St. Paul's that participated in the run.

Caleb, Rachel, Ted, Sally, Jared, Adam and David, EARLY Sunday morning, before the 5K run.Caleb finishes the 5K run.

Exhausting Days

Pastor sent me this photo just a few minutes ago. He says "This is NOT a posed photo!"
Kayla, Jessie and Rachel

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Photos from Orlando!

Pastor is doing a great job of taking pictures and sending them to me so I can get them up on the blog! Looks (and sounds) like everyone is having a great time!

Thursday they spent the day at Cocoa Beach. Weather was great and everyone had a good time. Some of the group went to Medieval Times for dinner that night.Rachel, Sam, Nathan and David at Medieval Times

On Friday, the group spent the day at Universal Studios. Sounds like it was a HOT day, filled with long lines. But everyone had a good time.At the entrance to Universal Studios, Florida

Concordia University Portland sponsored a Digital Photo Scavenger Hunt throughout the week. It began today. Hopefully we'll be updated throughout the week as to how our team is doing!
At the Concordia University Portland gathering on Saturday.
Adam, Sally, Ted, Nathan, Jenna, Cortney, Mickie, Caleb and Jared

Thursday, July 26, 2007


Here's a picture of the youth from "above the clouds". This flight was a first for about half the group! Photo taken by Pastor.

And They're OFF

After three years of hard work (making funnel cakes, serving Easter breakfast, soup dinners, and Valentine's Dinners, selling candy bars and wreaths and candles. ..) our youth group has headed off for their trip to the LCMS Youth Gathering in Orlando, FL. They left the church at 7:00 am on Wednesday, July 24. Their flight left Cedar Rapids at around 10:45 or so. It only took 5 vehicles to get 22 people and their luggage to the airport!

They really appreciate all the support from our congregation members to get them this far! We hope they have a wonderful time, and we'll hear lots of fun stories when they get back, I'm sure!

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Congratulations Pastor Hale!

Our former Vicar, Philip Hale, was Ordained and Installed as Pastor at St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Bancroft, NE on Sunday, July 1. Pastor Koch was honored to be asked to preach the sermon for the 3:00 service. We wish Pastor Hale God's blessings as he shepherd's His people!

Pastor Hale (front row, center) with the pastors who attended the Ordination and Installation. Pastor Koch is in the back row, third from the right.
Pastor Hale and Pastor KochPastor Hale and his parents, Neil and Verna, in front of the alter at
St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Bancroft, NE