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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Can you help???

Classes have started up again at our schools, and you know what that means for us at St. Paul's! Time for Sunday School and Midweek classes to resume! This year we have a HUGE number of students enrolled in Sunday School and Midweek! We are excited to see what God has in store for our education programs this year!

BUT...with the increased enrollment comes the need for even more Sunday School and Midweek teachers. If you haven't served as a teacher in the past few years, why not step up and try it again this year? We really do need help, as we can't do this without you! Please see Pastor if you would like to volunteer to teach a class, or even if you'd like to team teach a class. That worked well for several people last year!

As always, please keep the education of our kids in your prayers!

Thanks, Janiece!

A reception was held on Sunday, August 19 to recognize Janiece for her 10 years of service to our congregation and community as director and preschool teacher at Fun in the Son Daycare and Preschool! Thanks, Janiece!

Pictured are Jerry Reno, Church Council President, Pastor Koch, Kandi Attleson, Daycare Board President, and Janiece Kramer.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Photo Scavenger Hunt photos

Throughout the gathering our Youth participated in a Photo Scavenger Hunt sponsored by Concordia University, Portland. We were given a list of 30 people or activities that we were to catch in a picture. We didn't win, but we had fun playing (and we all got new t-shirts, too!) Here are a couple of fun ones.
An 8 person, human pyramidOne of your youth group's chaperone's in a swimming pool, in street clothes.
THANKS SHERYL!!!This was one of the more difficult shots to take.
Our entire youth group is in the shower of room #356 in the Rosen Plaza.Rachel and Ashley get an autograph from David of the band"Remedy Drive".

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Splash in the Surf

The youth had a day at Cocoa Beach before the Gathering started.

Nathan as Martin Luther

This is courtesy of one of the many organizations that had display booths at the Gathering.

Singing Before Bibles Study

The Youth enjoyed listening to the musical group Fusebox before the Bible Study every morning.