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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mark your calendars for VBS!

The dates have been set and the curriculum has been chosen.  Our Vacation Bible School will be held at St. Paul's from June 2-6 from 6:15-8:15.  An evening meal WILL be provided, so kids can come straight from ball practice.   



Join the Friendship Trek VBS, where kids discover new friends and build a powerful relationship with their Forever Friend, Jesus Christ!

As always, VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED!  Please see Pastor, Mary R., Sheryl H. or Candace A. to volunteer to help!

Ethan and Taylor Receive God and Me Badge

Ethan & Taylor with Pastor Kocha

Pastor spent some time working with Ethan and Taylor and now they will be receiving their "God & Me" badge for cub scouts! 

Confirmation 2008

Seven students were confirmed at St. Paul's in March.

St. Paul's Confirmation '08God's blessings to Kory, Tim, Kyle, Cassie, Torie, Paige and Becca, who are pictured here with Pastor Koch.