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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pastor is home!

His trip home, while exhausting, was quite uneventful.  I picked him up at the airport on Wednesday night.  Due to a rush to catch the connecting flight to Cedar Rapids after clearing customs, he made his flight, but his luggage didn't.  Since we were staying in Cedar Rapids for the night, it wasn't a problem and he had his luggage by 8:15 am.  He's slowly adjusting to being back on our time, and he's very glad to be home again!

Thanks for all your prayers while he was traveling.  The trip was very enjoyable, and very productive!  I'm sure he'll be scheduling an evening event at church sometime soon, so you can all see one of him standing with one foot in Europe and one foot in Asia!

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Preparing for Worship - 7/13/08

July 13 will be the 9th Sunday after Pentecost

The Order of Worship will be page 184


809, 577, 921

Scripture Lessons

Isaiah 55:10-13
Romans 8:12-17
Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

Those Who Serve

I think it's been a while since I updated this part of the blog. 


Jerry R-President
Steve N-Vice President
Doug S - Financial Secretary
Mark A- Treasurer
Rick H-Secretary


Doug K., Mark W., Matt S., and Brian G.


Mark K., Anon A.


Sandy K-President
Lisa K-Secretary
Cindy L.-Treasurer
Steve N-Council representative


Candace A., Mary R., Sheryl H.

More from Ekaterinburg

I think Pastor will be beginning the long journey home later tonight.  We here at home are SURE looking forward to having him back! 

Here are some excerpts from a recent email.

"We are having a wonderful time in Ekaterinburg.  We are having a very productive meeting with Sergei Glushkov, who has been working with Good News from the very beginning.  Erik and I were impressed to hear his vision for the future of Good News here in Russia.

Today it is sprinkling some but not so bad that we couldn't tour some of this historic city, including the Church- on -the-blood, built on he spot where the last Czar of Russia (Nicholas II) and his family were shot in 1918."