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Sunday, February 16, 2020

“Hearing the word, hold it fast” Luke 8:15

Luke 8:15
    As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.

Our Lord Jesus Christ wants us to hear what He says. All of the Scripture readings today are about this. The third commandment is about this. Remember the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy. What does this mean? We should fear and love God so that we do not despise preaching and God’s word but hold it sacred, and gladly hear and learn it. The Lord demands that you to listen to Him not because he is craving the attention, but because what He speaks to you is for your good and for your abundant blessings. He truly desires to produce in you all the results of faith that come when you believe what He says.

Jesus tells this parable about the Sower and the seed to show how His kingdom comes. The seed is the word of the Lord. He speaks and His word is like planted in the hearts of those who  hold it fast. There it grows and matures and produces a hundredfold crop. 

Let's consider now that hundredfold crop. I’m going to list some things that you can have in mind as you meditate on this crop that the Lord has planted and is growing in you.


First of all, it’s your salvation. Jesus is describing His work. He is the Sower. His word tells you about His Kingdom and how He has done everything to make and to keep His Kingdom. He came to this world, lived in this world, suffered here, dying on the cross outside of Jerusalem, and rose again on the third day, all for your salvation. Hear what He says about that. Believe it. Hold it fast in an honest and good heart and you will, as Jesus promised, “bear fruit with patience.” And chief among that fruit is your salvation. You are saved, redeemed, won by Jesus from your sins, from death and from the power of the devil. 

Your salvation in this life and in eternity is the crop and harvest Jesus, the Sower is sowing for. He was sowing seed for that harvest when He spoke to crowds in the towns and countryside of Judea. He has been sowing seed for that harvest in every generation since, as His church continues to preach His Word and His followers continue to testify to Him. He Sowed that seed in you when you were taught about Jesus by your pastors and parents and Sunday school teachers. He sows His seed when architects and craftsmen depict His salvation in wood and precious metals and paint and pixels. He sows His seed when you sing His Hymns and show His love and tell others the salvation that is yours and theirs, too.


Now, this crop that the Lord is sowing within you can be thought of in another way. The harvest, the result, is repentance. Repentance means to turn around -- to turn from the old, bad, sinful ways, to turn back to God and His good ways,

This Word of God, that is the seed to be planted, is described in the Epistle reading from Hebrews as “a two-edged sword”. Hebrews 4:12 :    For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.

It cuts, both ways. It cuts in the way of the Law and in the way of the Gospel. It comes to you bringing both warnings and promises. It cuts though your defenses like a sharp sword, exposing your sin and guilt. All that which for shame, you hoped would be hidden -- so no one, not even God, would know what you think and do in secret --  This the word of Christ cuts right through to open up hard hearts, that the Lord can replace your heart of stone with a heart of flesh.

There are some sharp warnings for us in this parable that Jesus tells. Some seed falls on bad ground and when it sprouts, the roots cannot penetrate the rocky ground. Some seeds fall where the devil can snatch it away before it even sprouts. Other distractions in this world can be like weeds and thistles, choking out the tender life of faith.  

Heed such warnings, examine your heart. If there is any barrier to hearing and believing the word of God within you, do whatever it might take to remove it and let it be destroyed by the sharp sword of God’s Holy Word. Repent of behaviors that go against the way of the Lord. Avoid the distractions that keep you from hearing and believing and living the Lord’s Gospel. 

Lent starts in a week and a half. Again this year, I want to tell you, make the most of it. We will take some extra time to hear God’s word and have it planted in our hearts. We will come here on Wednesdays at 7:30 to hear His word, pray the Psalms, and sing the hymns of Lent. Use the discipline of Lent to heed the warnings of the Word of Christ. 

And use the discipline of Lent to prepare your hearts to hold fast to the promises of Easter. That’s what Jesus wants mostly. He wants you to have the full understanding of these warnings, in order that you have a full understanding of all His good promises. And that understanding is a part of the great crop we have a part of. 


We understand that because of the Lord’s salvation “we will dwell in the house of the Lord forever”, as we say in Psalm 23. In the Psalm appointed for today, Psalm 84, we hear these words:

How lovely is your dwelling place,
        O Lord of hosts!
    Even the sparrow finds a home,
        and the swallow a nest for herself,
        where she may lay her young,
    at your altars, O Lord of hosts,
        my King and my God.
    For a day in your courts is better
        than a thousand elsewhere.
    I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God
        than dwell in the tents of wickedness.

Not everyone understands this. Not everyone believes it. Not everyone would agree with this opinion, or so they would call it. Some are so bold as to say things like this, “Wait, if I have to repent of my sins, and believe in Jesus and then I’ll go to heaven and have a place in the Kingdom of God for eternity. . . .No. I don’t want to. It’s not worth it to me.” It can be so disturbing, so frustrating to us when we come across someone with such a hard heart toward Jesus Christ. But Jesus doesn’t seem to let it bother Him so much. He just keeps on sowing the seed.  

This is the parable of the Sower. He is not the planter. The planter of seeds is careful and protective of each seed, placing carefully just so, in a row, at just the right spacing, just the right depth of soil. The Sower broadcasts the seed freely. That's Jesus. Spreading His love and His word to all, even while some won’t take it, won’t hold it firmly.  . . .. .

Jesus said to His disciples, Luke 8:10, "To you it has been given to know the secrets of the kingdom of God, but for others they are in parables, so that seeing they may not see, and hearing they may not understand.

To you who hear the word of the Lord and hold it fast in your heart, it grows to bear a good crop of understanding. And with that understanding you can appreciate the other ways we can talk about the crop that is harvested from faith.

Assurance of His love.

There is assurance of His love. You can count on it. When you pray, be assured that you have a God who is behind you on all this. He is pulling for you. He wants what’s best for you. There is this concern that can crop up in our minds that God’s got good reason to hold a grudge. When we hear from our Lord both the warnings of the law and the promises of the Gospel we must remember that He always wants us to have the last word be His Gospel and that we His people rest on those promises.

Consider the structure and order of this parable, the promises predominate. As Jesus describes all that can happen to the seed the Sower is scattering, He saves the best for last -- the seed falls on good soil and produces a crop a hundredfold. That’s the word Jesus leaves us with, that’s the line He wants to stick in our mind. He is speaking this to His disciples, His believers so that we can get the understanding of our salvation, the assurance of His love and the comfort from His Gospel. 

Comfort in your suffering.

In the passage from Isaiah that was today’s Old Testament reading, we hear again how God sends His word to accomplish His purposes: 

Isaiah 55:10-11
    "For as the rain and the snow come down from heaven
        and do not return there but water the earth,
    making it bring forth and sprout,
        giving seed to the sower and bread to the eater,
    [11] so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth;
        it shall not return to me empty,
    but it shall accomplish that which I purpose,
        and shall succeed in the thing for which I sent it.

Then it goes on to list one of the purposes for which He sends forth His word. Isaiah 55:13
    Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress;
        instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle;
    and it shall make a name for the Lord,
        an everlasting sign that shall not be cut off."

In the midst of our temporary discomforts and sufferings all we can see is the thorn and the brier. God’s word calls us to trust in more than what we can see with our eyes and experience in this fallen world. God’s promises continue to assure us that He is working for our good. We need not be frustrated when we can’t see all the answers, when we haven’t yet realized all the solutions. We and the Sower of the seed are both waiting for the harvest to come. In the meantime, that growing faith within in us produces the comfort God has for us, that even in suffering, His good purposes are being accomplished.

Training in Righteousness.

The word of Christ produces within you the growing ability to live as children of God, so that your thinking, your saying, your doing may be pleasing to God and good for your neighbors sake. Keep that in mind now and through Lent. How can we observe Lent in righteousness? Perhaps there is some individual practice you will want to do. You are certainly not required to, but you may give something up in Lent, as a regular reminder of the season.

Perhaps you can give up some treat that you’re used to buying and your savings can go toward your offerings to God or to someone’s needs. Perhaps you can work on cleaning up your language, or cleaning up your thoughts. I’m going to suggest that you give up 15 minutes a day of TV watching or internet surfing and use the time to prayerfully read the Psalms. I hope to give out a guide for you to do that next Sunday.

So you see, you who hear the Word of the Lord and hold it fast have a crop coming, repentance, salvation, understanding, assurance of God’s love, comfort in your suffering and training in righteousness.


Sunday, February 9, 2020

Christ is the Rock -- 1 Corinthians 10:4


1 Cor. 10:1-5
    I want you to know, brothers, that our fathers were all under the cloud, and all passed through the sea, [2] and all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea, [3] and all ate the same spiritual food, [4] and all drank the same spiritual drink. For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was Christ. [5] Nevertheless, with most of them God was not pleased, for they were overthrown in the wilderness.
This is our text.
“On Christ, the solid rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand.” This image of the Rock is one that can easily come to mind -- The solid rock; the sure foundation of our faith; the immovable mooring of our life and destiny. Here we have it depicted in colored glass window and connected with patience. We can be patient knowing our steady Rock won’t ever let us down.
The Rock followed them.  Seems that in their journey through the wilderness they would on different occasions come across this miraculous Rock. Now initially, it looked like a rock. So how can one say that the Rock was Christ? They couldn’t see Jesus, but He was there. They only saw a rock, but there was Jesus giving flowing water for thirsty people.  
Today we want to review those events from at Meribah and Massah, in the wilderness and learn from them. In those Olden days of the Exodus, a pillar of cloud led the people of God, through land and sea, through sunshine and storm, through days of terror and days of blessing until they reached the promised land. Hidden in the cloud was God their Savior, watching over them and leading them on their way. The Pillar of Fire by night and the Pillar of Cloud by day went before the people, just as now in these last days, Christ our Savior goes before us. He goes before us into baptism and to the cross and to the grave and the resurrection. He leads us through sunshine and storm, through days of terror and days of blessing until we reach our promised land.
Three times in today’s Bible readings the events at Massah and Meribah are recorded. Exodus is the first recorded history of the events. Then also, in 1 Corinthians 10 St. Paul explains them and teaches that it was Christ who was there giving blessings. And then in the Psalm 95 appointed for the day, the Lord mentions this event and warns us, future generations, not to grumble and whine like they did back then. Psalm 95:7-9
    Today, if you hear his voice,
        [8] do not harden your hearts, as at Meribah,
        as on the day at Massah in the wilderness,
    [9] when your fathers put me to the test
        and put me to the proof, though they had seen my work.
It’s sort of surprising to hear it this way. Despite all the overabundant blessings that God gave the people of Israel, they put him to the test at Meribah and Massah. They felt God had dealt poorly with them. He hadn’t given them what they wanted. They demanded more and doubted that God would do more.
With 10 miraculous plagues, God had freed them from bondage and slavery in Egypt.
God had rescued them from the Egyptian army at the Red Sea
He rained down on them food from heaven, manna
He provided fresh water from a rock
And most significantly He was right there with them, His gracious glorious presence in the cloud
Nevertheless, with most of them God was not pleased, for they were overthrown in the wilderness.     
They didn’t believe Him. They put him to the test.
They said, "Why did you bring us up out of Egypt, to kill us and our children and our livestock with thirst?" (Exodus 17:3) and they said, "Is the Lord among us or not?" (Exodus 17:7).
It’s sad how we human beings can be so ungrateful toward our Creator. “As we live and breathe and have our being, our rude minds say, is he even here? As we are showered with gifts, new every morning, we look at them and say, “Oh, that’s nice, but it’s not what I wanted.”
The Israelites foolishly thought back to the days of slavery in Egypt and thought, “You know, it wasn’t really that bad being slaves. It was better than this trouble out here in freedom.”
If you ever have a chance to go on Google maps and search for Egypt and then look at it in Satellite View you can plainly see the environment where these events took place. As you pan across Northern Africa and onto the Sinai Pennisula and the Middle East it’s all just this light brown, sandy tan. It’s the wilderness a great desert. But in Egypt there is this beautiful lively, green strip running from South, North into the Great Mediterranean Sea. Rich, fertile Farmland is thriving with grain, and vegetables and fruits watered by the Nile River. For thousands of years there has been a land of plenty of water and food in the Nile River of Egypt, surrounded by the harsh barren Wilderness of North Africa and the Middle East.
Out in the wilderness of Sin, Sinai, the people of Israel longed for the tasty food and refreshing water of Egypt’s verdant Nile Valley. In longing for the good things, they thought little of the bad things that were back there: They were slaves. They were forced to build the great projects that their Egyptian overlords demanded. They had to build huge buildings with bricks made with no straw. The Egyptians controlled their lives, even to the point of controlling how many babies they could have, who could live and who had to die. It must have been horrible to be treated this way. And the Israelites are thinking, “but wasn’t it nice to have plenty to eat and drink?” When people are singularly obsessed with material things, the passions of the flesh, the pleasures of the moment, they are not mindful of how good or how bad off they really, truly are.
How many men and women, boys and girls in our generation are going through life loving just for the pleasures of the moment? They don’t care about God, and so they give no thought to the fact that there is nothing but hell at the other end of their short lives.
It’s just the same now as it was back then. Those ancient people at Meribah and Massah were only thinking about satisfying their cravings. They didn’t believe that the Lord was with them. It was so completely unsatisfying to them to hear that the Lord was there hidden in the cloud, hidden in the rock. They only cared for what they could see, and feel, and fill their bellies. They thought they lacked food and water and the comforts of life. But by God’s judgement what they lacked was gratitude and patience and faith.
Learn from the Israelites to count our blessings and to count our deficiencies – to be truly mindful about what we have and also what we lack.
Do you lose sleep worried that your accounts don’t have enough money in them? Count your blessings instead, knowing that your heavenly Father has given you His Kingdom and an eternity of joys in His presence.
Are you proud of your possessions, your success in this life, your position in this world? Don’t forget to count your deficiencies. Your possessions will go to others when you die. Your good name will eventually be forgotten here in this world. Your earthly success has no bearing on your spiritual failures as a sinner.
Then count your blessings. You have been baptized into Christ, so now you live in Christ. He promises you, I will be with you always. You have eternity with Christ to receive His constant blessings.
About the whining, complaining children of Israel, it says this, Nevertheless, with most of them God was not pleased, for they were overthrown in the wilderness.     Dear children of God, know this, God is pleased with you in Christ. You who believe and are baptized and are daily receive the blessings God has to give, God is pleased with you. So don’t be tempted to despair about what you lack. Rejoice in what you have, the good favor of your God.
Going back to the Epistle reading from 1 Corinthians, St. Paul says something that might sound kind of weird, He says, “But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified” (1 Cor. 9:27).
This is weird because it is an idea that is pretty much unheard of nowadays: Self-discipline. It doesn’t come up enough. Instead we are encouraged at every turn to spoil ourselves. In the parable Jesus tells about the workers who worked different hours but all got the same pay, it’s almost comical how some of them got so upset. They thought they deserved much more than they got. Indignantly they tried to tell the boss, how according to their logic and their feelings, he must give them more than the agreed upon wage.
Let’s not foolishly assume we deserve more than what we are getting in this life. No instead, we must teach ourselves, train ourselves, discipline ourselves to say “no” to unrighteous, impure and unhealthy things that please the flesh, that we may look to the Lord for what He gives which is truly pleasing.
It would be good for us modern people to learn from the wisdom of the past when it comes to disciplining the body. It will help us get our minds off the passions and cravings of this earthly, momentary life and strive instead for those things that are truly wholesome, righteous and lasting for eternity.
And that’s gonna take some faith -- Faith that realizes that Christ is there for you -- Hidden though he may be. As He was hidden in the rock and in the cloud and in the preaching of Moses, so Christ is now here for you, even though He is hidden behind the things God now provides you, the preaching of the church, the water, the bread and the wine and the suffering of bearing the cross in this short but troublesome life.
Christ is with us. He is our rock. In Him we have hope and salvation -- only in Him. He alone deserved all glory and honor and praise. He alone deserves more than what He got in this life. Because actually, He just got what everyone else gets -- Suffering, pain, and Death a horrible death. But he never complained about what he lacked. Instead He lived and died for what He knew was truly important, truly righteous, truly eternal – you, His beloved friends.