While visiting in South Africa last week, Pastor visited the Tshwane Lutheran Seminary.
Here is a picture of the outside of the seminary.
And here is a picture from inside the seminary.
This is a convenient place for members of St. Paul's Lutheran Church (LCMS) in Fredericksburg to check for updates and information to keep up to date with what is happening within our local church, our Iowa District East and the Synod at large. Pastor Ronnie Koch will from time include his sermons or other Bible lessons on this site.
While visiting in South Africa last week, Pastor visited the Tshwane Lutheran Seminary.
Here is a picture of the outside of the seminary.
And here is a picture from inside the seminary.
While in South Africa, Pastor met with Lutheran Pastor Joseph Alfazema from Mozambique. He is the only pastor for 9 congregations. His wife serves in the area of human care for orphans and those sick with HIV/AIDS. They will begin to recieve GOOD NEWS in Portuguese, which is the national language in Mozambique.
The Lutheran Church in Rwanda can use some GOOD NEWS in French, English and Swahili, but most people there speak Rwanda. The Dean and Pastor will be working on a proposal to translate and distribute a Rwanda version of GOOD NEWS.
Pictured from left to right are Dean Celestine Sambuye, Pastor and Bishop George Wilson.Pastor will give a slide show presentation about his trip to Russia this summer on Wednesday evening at 7:30 in the fellowship hall. This event is open to all members of the community, so please invite some friends and come and hear about what is happening in the Lutheran church in Lithuania, Latvia and Russia (Moscow and Siberia).
It is Sunday School and Midweek class time again, and teachers are needed. Please see Pastor, Mary R., Candace A. or Sheryl H. if you can volunteer an hour or so a week to teach the children of our congregation! Thanks!
Next Sunday, August 31 is the 16th Sunday after Pentecost.
The liturgy will be page 184.
Hymns are:
563 -Jesus, Thy Blood And Righteousness
699-I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say
628-Your Table I Approach
702-My Faith Looks Up To Thee
211-The Nunc Dimittis
680-Thine The Amen, Thine The Praise
Scripture Lessons:
Matthew 16:21-28Sam is the winner of our first ever St. Paul's Ping Pong Tournament! Lots of fun was had by all participants! Thanks for playing, and good job, Sam!
Viola A was welcomed into the arms of her Friend and Savior on Saturday morning. The funeral will be on Tuesday at 10:30 at the church. Please remember her family and friends in your prayers!
Travis and Jeannie S delivered a baby girl by emergency c-section on Sunday. Baby is about 4 weeks early, so will be in the hospital for a bit longer, waiting for those lungs to strengthen a bit. Keep them in your prayers!
Pastor is "on the road again", or should we say "in the air again" as he is headed to South Africa for a conference and meetings for Good News. He left Cedar Rapids at 4, and just called a few minutes ago to say he was about 40 minutes from boarding his plane to London. He'll have an 8 hour layover in London, before headed to his final stop in South Africa. This trip is 2 days of travel to get there, 4 days of conference/meetings, and 2 days to travel home. But...he'll only be gone from Sunday - Saturday, so somehow, he's getting an extra couple of days in this week!
He's looking forward to connecting with our friend Gregoire, who will also be flying in for this conference, and also reconnecting with a couple of old friends from our past who are missionaries in South Africa.
If he is able to be in touch with me, I'll be posting the updates on the blog. Be sure to check back!
Stick around next Sunday, August 10 after the worship service. Pastor will be presenting on his recent trip through Lithuania, Latvia and Russia. He'll have pictures and lots of stories to tell! There will most likely be food there, too! :-) Hope to see you there!
Sunday, August 10th is the 13th Sunday after Pentecost.
page 184
#477-Alleluia, Alleluia! Hearts to Heaven
#717-Eternal Father, Strong To Save
#680-Thine the Amen, Thine the Praise
Jena S. was chosen as the Bremer County Fair Queen! Way to go, Jena. We are thankful to God for blessing you in this way!