If you are interested in filling an open spot on the daycare board, please speak to Steve N. (council president). The position is currently for a 3 year term! Thanks for considering serving this way!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Preparing for Ash Wednesday Service
Order of service--Page 213
- 419-Savior When In Dust To Thee
- 616-Baptismal Waters Cover Me
- 423-Jesus Refuge of the Weary
- 615-When in the Hour of Deepest Need
- 877-God Who Made the Earth and Heaven
Lenten Services begin
Ash Wednesday, Feb. 25, marks the beginning of our Wednesday Lenten services. We will have a Divine Service beginning at 7:30. Refreshments will follow.
The focus for this year's Lenten Services will be the Fruits of the Spirit.
- 2/25 (Ash Wednesday) Gentleness
- 3/4 Patience
- 3/11 Faithfulness
- 3/18 Goodness
- 3/25 Self-Control
- 4/1 Peace
- 4/9 (Maundy Thursday) Kindness
- 4/10 (Good Friday) Love
- 4/12 (Easter) Joy
Hope to see you there!
Memory Work for Ash Wednesday 2/25
Where is this written?
St. Paul writes in Romans chapter six: "We were therefore buried with Him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father; we too may live a new life." Romans 6:4
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Adult Bible Class
begins a new topic Sunday, Feb. 8. We covered the first couple fo pages of the Good News issue on The Apostle's Creed. Please join us next week for a continuation of the lesson. Class begins immediately following the worship service. Cookies and coffee are usually available!
Preparing for Worship Feb. 15
6th Sunday after Ephiphany
Service will be from page 203
Scripture Lessons
409--Hail, O Source of Every Blessing-tune
834--O God, O Lord of Heaven and Earth
692--Praise to You and Adoration-tune
Oberommergau information
We had a great crowd for our first informational meeting for a 2010 congregational trip to Oberommergau for the Passion Play. The majority seemed interested in continuing to pursue plans with Nawas International Travel. If anyone is interested in the trip but was unable to attend today's meeting, please be sure to speak to Pastor in the next few weeks!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Annual Valentine's Dinner being planned
Mark your calendar now for the annual Youth group sponsored Valentine's Dinner at City Hall on Saturday, Feb. 14. A formal, 3 course lasagna dinner will be served beginning at 6 pm. Make sure to call Kandi A. to get your reservation made!
Newly Elected and Installed Officers
Please keep these men in your prayers, as they serve and lead our congregation in the work God has planned for us!
President: Steve Neuendorf
Vice-President: Steve Pfaffle
Secretary: Rick Haugen
Treasurer: Mark Ackley
Councilman at Large: Mark Kruthoff & Mark Wendland
Elders: Doug Kleiss, Brian Gibson, Matt Schildroth, Dave Jacobson
Preparing for Next Week's Worship
5th Sunday after the Epiphany-February 8, 2009
398 -Hail To The Lord's Anointed (click here for tune)
751-O God of Love, O King of Peace
553-O Christ, Our Hope Our Hearts' Desire