Sunday School: 8:45 am
Divine Service: 9:45 am
Sunday, November 5, 2017
The Blessed Life with Jesus
November 5, 2017
All Saints=
Our Gospel reading
for today is what is often called the beatitudes. I want to reread a couple of them to begin
this morning. Matthew 5:2-5
And [Jesus] opened his mouth and taught them, saying:
[3] "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of
[4] "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
[5] "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
Jesus sat with His disciples and taught them about life.
Specifically, he taught them about what life is like when His people are with
Him. Jesus would teach his disciples, including us, his modern day disciples,
how Life with Him is blessed. Jesus shows us What life with Him looks like –
life in the Kingdom of Heaven, which is to come. And Life now when we are with
Him by faith – that is, because we believe we are with Him, even though we can’t see that we are with Him.
Hearing from Jesus about this Blessed life is going to help us understand what
things are truly valuable, admirable and diserable.
[3] "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of
All Saints’ Day is
a time designated by the church for Christians to come together and remember
the fellow believers in God who have died and now are in heaven. God’s word
gives us comfort in this sure and certain hope that those who die in the faith
are with God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ in the heavenly kingdom, and
there, God will wipe away every tears from their eyes.
This verse allows
us to imagine our loved ones now at peace and enjoying the company of the Lord
Jesus. For many of us, the last memory we have of our departed loved ones is in
the hospital room, or sick bed, as life was weakening in those final days or
hours. When people are confronted face to face with death, you feel so weak, so
helpless, so poor in spirit. Jesus invites such people into the Kingdom of
Let this teach you
something about life. keep this in mind. “Blessed are the poor in spirit.”
Leave each day remembering how poor, weak, helpless you are to save yourself
from death. And look to your Lord Jesus daily to give you salvation and His new
and eternal life.
Then Jesus says,
[4] "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.
Now we don’t like
this one so much, at first. Given our druthers, we’d rather not mourn, we’d
rather not be sad, we’d rather not lose anything or anyone that we are going to
miss and mourn. But it’s just not an option for us. There will be pain in this
life, there will be suffering. Our hope and our prayer is not that God would
constantly do everything necessary to make us happy and prosperous. Who are we
to hold our desires and our pleasure up to God and tell him to make them the
greatest priorities. No instead our prayer is that God would grant us the
blessed life with Jesus and thereby comfort us.
Then when
difficulties come, when we suffer loss, the comforting Gospel of our Lord will
be strength for us in our weakness. Faith will grow not when we have easy and
glorious days. Faith grows when our Lord comforts us with His gospel in the
midst of weakness and loss.
[5] "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.
This is a call to
repentance and change. This is a word from the Lord to each of you to put away
all pride. The meek are they who admit that they are weak and helpless, in the
midst of their suffering and sin and ultimately in the face of death. The meek
see that by themselves they’ve got nothing to bargain with. They can’t say to
God, “I deserve better than this Lord.” The meek have no prayer but, “Lord,
have mercy.”
The world despises
the meek. The world says, just run over the meek, they aren’t going to get
anywhere anyway, don’t waste your time on them. The fittest survive, the meek
will perish in the natural selection of things.
But Jesus says
blessed are the meek. Jesus calls you to be meek, to lay down yourself and your
desires before Him, in service to Him. And then Jesus tells you,
for [you] shall inherit the earth. That’s an encouragement for
patience. You can’t have it all now. It’s completely futile to chase after the
things of the earth. This teaches us that our reward and our joy is still to
come, so why be so disappointed if you don’t get what you want right now?
These words from
Jesus describe what our life with Jesus looks like. Actually, they describe
what Jesus is like and how He is bringing us to look and think and be more like
Him. As it says in today’s Epistle reading: 1 John 3:2
Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet
appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we
shall see him as he is.
So it is
especially Jesus who is meek and who shall inherit the earth. He, the Son of
God, has all power and authority, all glory, wisdom and honor as the angels
sing about Him. He could have conquered the earth with power, calling down the
hosts of angels to fight for Him. But in meekness and humility He chose to do
His Father’s will and to save our race not by power, but by weakness and
suffering, even suffering to death on the cross. Now He who has been slain for
our salvation, is raised to life and ascended to the right hand of the majesty
in heaven so that He rules with the Father and the Holy Spirit over all the
Next Jesus says,
Matthew 5:6
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for
they shall be satisfied.”
Here and elsewhere
the blessings of the cross, what Jesus provided for us by His death and
resurrection are talked about as food and drink for the hungering, thirsting
soul. Those who seek this
righteousness are brought to be satisfied by Jesus. The body broken for us on
the cross, the blood He allowed to be poured out for us, is now food and drink,
strengthening our faith, building us up in righteousness.
Finally, Jesus
says, Matthew 5:9
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of
God.” This now is our call to service. Having
been saved by His meek death for us, having been fed fully by His body and
blood, Jesus now sends us as His children to serve Him and bring the peace He
has given us, to others. As His children we share His peace with each other and
with our neighbors. As forgiven sinners, we forgive those who trespass against us.
We the Blessed of His Kingdom, are ready and able to be a blessing to many
Monday, October 30, 2017
It’s Still All About Jesus -- Romans 3:21-22
Reformation Day, 2017
Grace, Mercy and Peace are yours from God our Father and from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Romans 3:21-22
But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law,
although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it— [22] the righteousness of
God through faith in Jesus Christ for all who believe.
Hearing these
words of our Epistle reading today, Believing these words of Romans chapter 3,
leads us to agree that it is all about Jesus.
The reformation of the church in the 1500s, was
all about Jesus
Our commemoration of that reformation, 500 years
later is still all about Jesus
Actually, everything we do in our church.
All of our faith
All of our faith, here in this world and forever
in the world to come
So, if it’s all about Jesus, I want
us to take this moment now, not just to have a history lesson, not even, a
theology lesson, nor a lesson about culture and our heritage. Let’s think about
Scripture lessons that we hear on Reformation Day tell us all about Jesus.
In the Gospel reading, He tells how
He sets us free. In this Epistle reading of Paul’s letter to the Romans, Jesus
is our Redeemer. Our propitiation. And the one who justifies us.
with Jesus words, John 8:36 “So if the
Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”
He sets us free. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is that He has set you
free from all sins, from death and from the condemnation of the law. By His
death on the cross, Jesus has freed you from the bondage of your sins and of
the uncertainty of your future and your destiny. Redeemed by Jesus you have
freedom from the worry and fear of what lies in store for you the rest of your
life and on Judgment Day. There is great freedom in saying and believing, “It’s
all about Jesus.”
Now, if you say, “It’s all about Jesus,” it means you have
to repent. You have to repent of having it be all about something other than
Jesus. It’s not all about you, if it’s all about Jesus.
It’s easier not to repent, not to change, to stay self-involved.
But you have to face reality. It’s not all about you.
Also, It’s not all about what other people think of you.
Of course it’s important that people think well of you. You
want others to consider you trustworthy, moral and kind. But it’s not what it’s
all about. When we make it all about what others think of us, it becomes obsessive.
We go to great lengths to build up a sort of image to present before others. More
often than not, that image is different than reality, of who we really are. We
try to prove ourselves to be smarter, nicer, less sinful, less prone to
mistakes, than what we really are.
When we get the feeling it’s all about what others are
thinking of us, the temptation is great to be dishonest about who we really are.
The Biblical word that describes us when we are dishonest about ourselves is “hypocrite”.
But because of Jesus, and because it is all about Jesus,
you are now free to be open, honest and transparent. You are fee to let others know who you really
are: a sinner. Sinful from birth. Sinning
everyday. But saved by Jesus
Romans 3 tells us how you’re saved by Jesus. It says, “[Jesus], whom God put forward as a
propitiation by his blood, to be received by faith.” (Romans 3:25)
Propitiate means to make someone be not upset anymore.
Jesus the propitiation, has propitiated God the Father and removed His wrath
from us. God is not upset about our hypocrisy, our lies, our self-involvement
because Jesus has redeemed us. Now it’s not as though, God has gone soft on
sin. Romans 3 is a careful description of how Jesus has overcome the very
serious problem of sin. The propitiation of Jesus had to come at the cost of
His blood.
It was to show his righteousness at the
present time, so that he might be just and the justifier of the one who has
faith in Jesus. (Romans 3:26)
God is just and the justifier. Jesus makes it possible for
God to be both at the same time.
God is just. He can’t stand sin. He can’t say sin is “ok”, “no
Sin upsets God.
And He’s right to feel that way. He is not overreacting.
God is true. And the God’s honest truth is that sin is bad. It’s horrible. It’s
devastating to life, to our relationships, to our faith. And I’m not only talking
about the worst sins here, the notorious sins. I’m not talking about the sins of
bad-behaving hooligans, like women chasing movie producers or crooked
politicians. I’m talking about your sins, my sin: our jealous and covetous
thoughts, our lack of love, our poor charity. These are the kinds of things
that damage our relationships, warp our minds and tear our faith.
In regard to those sins, God is just in saying your sins
deserve wrath and punishment. And the deserved punishment is death. But because
of Jesus, who shed His blood for you, God can be both just and the justifier.
Because of Jesus, God can declare you justified. You are not left with all that
guilt. You are not stuck in all that sin. You’re not left to wonder and worry
about how to straighten out the problems you’ve got because of sin. Thanks to
Jesus, it’s not about all that horrible sin, and its devastating effects.
Thanks to Jesus we can rejoice as the people of God,
trusting that He is now pleased with us. We can rejoice in the Gospel of Jesus
and sing our praises to God for this glorious Gospel.
Now a little about this word “Reformation”. When Martin Luther
was talking about Reformation 500 years ago, he meant curriculum reform at the
University and among the scholars. He was trying to reform the “system”. The
larger work, the work that was to go into the churches and into the ears and
hearts of the people of the church, he simply called, “preaching the gospel.”
So our prayer for this church of the reformation is simply that the gospel of
freedom in Christ, the Propitiation of God’s wrath by Christ, the gospel of our
justification in Christ, be preached in this place and around the world for our
children and for as many years as the Lord allows.
Sunday, August 27, 2017
To Him be Glory Forever; Romans 11:36
Romans 11:36
For from him and through him and to him are
all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.
The study of the things of God leads naturally to the praise
of God.
That’s what Paul has done here.
Up to this point in Romans, Paul has studied and presented
the great things of God. He has taught the Gospel of Jesus Christ; He has laid
out the doctrine of justification, that we are not good enough for God, but God
has made us good, justified us because of Jesus; He told about the peace that
is ours because of this Gospel and justification, that God, who did not spare
His own Son, but gave Him up for us all will also, with Jesus, graciously give
us all things (Romans 8:32); He talked about faith, which comes as gift from
hearing the Gospel of Christ (Romans 10:17) and He expounded on God’s heart’s desire,
that He wants all to be saved, Jew and Gentile alike, all. To Him be glory
Much of these things Paul described and taught are different
than expected. These things are not what we’d have guessed. God gave up His Son
to save sinners? Who would have expected such a thing? And the humble means by
which God does His glorious works: the poor
manger bed in Bethlehem where the King of the Universe was born; the ugly cross
of Calvary where the greatest love was given. The ordinariness of water applied
for the glorious promises of baptism. It seems strange the way God works.
These verses in Romans 11 are words of praise for exactly
those strange ways of God. Romans 11:33
“Oh, the depth of the riches and wisdom and
knowledge of God! How unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his
God’s ways of doing things are unsearchable and inscrutable.
And it’s not just that God’s ways are beyond our abilities to understand and
reason it all out. There’s more to it than
just that God’s works are surpassingly greater than our reasonable attempts to
understand them. The ways of God are contrary to our ways. They are uninviting
to our natural reason.
Martin Luther taught about this describing it as “the Theology
of the Cross”. It’s about this surprising truth that the ugliness and
humiliation of Jesus’ cross is actually the point of His greatest glory and love.
Luther said, “Although the works of God always seem unattractive and appear
evil, they are nevertheless really eternal merits.” (Luther’s Works, vol 31, page 44)
So now, someone in the midst of the most horrible things
life can offer has to wrestle with this Theology of the Cross. God’s ways seem unattractive.
They appear evil. Why is God doing this to me? Why does He allow my loved one
to suffer? Why has He left me with this loss? How can this be love?
Luther’s teaching is that God brings low, so He can exalt.
He brings us to the point of despair that we might trust nothing else but Him.
Further Luther would teach us that when our reason and God’s
word clash and disagree, faith must abandon reason and cling to God alone. This
is necessary for salvation. Human reason says that there must be things I can
do that will make God happy. Your reason urges you to trust yourself and your
works. It makes sense that God likes good people, so the mixed up human reason
says, I am pretty good. God gotta like me. Who wouldn’t like me? This faulty
reasoning leads you away from repenting and away from faith in Christ’s
Romans 11:35
"Or who has given a gift to him that
he might be repaid?"
When we hear that question, we have to admit: No one.
God doesn’t owe you or me anything. But in the mystery of
His inscrutable ways, He shows mercy, He forgives and He saves.
These mysterious ways of God, His unsearchable, inscrutable
ways, show that God is God. We are not God, He is. We are not in charge, He is.
Romans 11:36
For from him and through him and to him are
all things. To him be glory
God is God and so He is not compelled by any force or power
beyond Himself. He can do whatever He wants. So when reason starts to say, “Why
is God doing this? He shouldn’t be doing that. He should be doing better things
for me.” Then you must abandon reason, and submit to God’s inscrutable ways.
God can do whatever He wants.
And here’s the thing, you know what God wants? He wants to
save you. He wants you to repent and turn to Him. He wants you to trust and
love Him. And that trust and love leads you to praise Him, to praise Him with
your words and with your thoughts and attitude and praise Him with your life of
service to Him and to others.
Romans 11:36
For from him and through him and to him are
all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.
Thursday, July 20, 2017
Vacation Bible School: Jesus Victorious Donkey Ride
Tonight at Vacation Bible School, children made their own snacks in the shape of a pathway, like the road on which Jesus came into Jerusalem.
For the craft tonight, we made a depiction of stained glass crosses. We remembered the reason why Jesus rode into Jerusalem, to die for our salvation.
We will wrap things up tomorrow by remembering how Jesus died for us on the cross and rose to life again in Victory, so He will always be our Mighty Fortress.
Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Storms don't stop VBS!
The crazy wind and thunderstorms hit right at the start of VBS tonight, but that didn't stop the fun at St. Paul's tonight! Learning how King Hezekiah's priest found the "Book of the Law" that had been lost in the temple for many years, making scroll snacks and burning off energy in an obstacle course are some of the activities the kids participated in tonight. Hearing the children of our church and community reading from 2 Kings, and discussing the fact that God forgives people when they are sorry for the bad things they have done shows that the church is alive and well in Fredericksburg.
Tuesday, July 18, 2017
A MIGHTY FORTRESS (Vacation Bible School 2017)
Who is Hezekiah? Ask the children who attended our Vacation Bible School tonight! (But don't be surprised if they reply, in a sing-song voice "Nanny, nanny boo, boo" ) Tonight's lesson was based on 2 Kings 18. They made shields, had sweet and salty treats and knocked down castle walls as they learned about King Hezekiah. Was he victorious? Ask the kids and see!
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