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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Services will only be Online in March

March 18, 2020

Dear members of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church,

Psalm 69:16
    Answer me, O Lord, for your steadfast love is good;
        according to your abundant mercy, turn to me.

The plague that is upon the world now causes us to pray even more fervently to our God seeking His mercy. Fear-filled news causes us to repent of our sins and ask God for forgiveness. We trust Jesus for His forgiveness and His steadfast love. Because He died for us, we need fear neither death, nor life, nor virus, nor anything else.

I am praying for you. Let’s continue praying for our nation, the sick and the healthcare workers.

Yesterday the Governor of our state issued a proclamation declaring an emergency because of this virus and extremely limiting all public gatherings. The elders and I must obey this order from our government. Therefore we are cancelling all public services of the church for the rest of March.

Please be encouraged. Do not be overcome by fear. Trust your Lord. Practically speaking, I would like to suggest you limit your exposure to the bad news of this pandemic. Understanding that it is good to keep up with the latest information, also take up other things that will take your mind away from it. Watch an old movie, play a game, read unrelated materials and pray.

To that end we will be providing sermons, readings and prayers over a variety of platforms in these coming days.

Services on Sundays and Wednesdays will be on our church’s YouTubechannel.
(you can also search for St Paul's Lutheran Fredericksburg, or follow the link from our blog.)

On other days, I intend to go Facebook Live with shorter prayer services.

I will be posting sermons and announcements on our blog

Please also remember to continue your giving to the Lord and His work. Offerings can be mailed to the church at PO  Box 336, Fredericksburg, Iowa 50630

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Ron Koch

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